NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2009: Nest 7

Nest #7 was found 6/14/09 by Anthony a loggerhead it was below high tide line and moved.  This nest is by the last house in Stallworth Preserve. Note in this picture of #7 that it looks as if someone watched her nest and then put seaweed around the nest so we would not miss it.  This is how your flags should be placed when you find a nest.  One at the incoming track, one at the outgoing track and around the nest.  Way to go Anthony.


Nest #7 has hatched and been dug It hatched in 55 days
70 escaped from the nest
6 were found alive in the nest
1 was found dead in the nest
2 had no obvious
3 were dead embryos

Survival percentage was 94%