NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2011: Nest #18

Is in back of Bud and Alley’s in Seaside, I got a call last night around midnight and she only came in 30 feet, people all around and Joe has been in that area at night and oh the flashlights, we must do something about this problem of flashlights on the beach. Seaside should sell red light emitting flashlights. What an ongoing problem. We need help with this problem

I thought I would pass this on to all, this gang has gotten to see two nests hatch this year, lucky them here is the nest count of #18
94 hatchlings escaped from the nest
2 alive in nest and released
1 dead embryo
7 no obvious embryo

Good work Dan, go a little slower next time and watch for hatchlings, and smile