Again as of today 8 242010 all nests will be screened. Nest #19 at WaterSound has been predated and a few eggs are left, it is at day 54
Nest #20 was completely predated and 46 hatchling were found on top of the sand by the early morning walker, 39 were dead and 7 alive and released but only 3 on these poor babies made it to the water. This nest was on Blue Mountain Beach
Nest # 21 on Blue Mountain was also completely predated and nothing but a few egg shells were found.
Nest #22 at Water Sound was predated and a few eggs are left and day 50 will be 8-29-10
Nest #23 was undisturbed and will be at day 50 on 9-01-10
The predators appear to be fox. Coyote and dogs. If you see anything running loose near or on the beach please notify me. Thanks.