NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

Category: New Nests

  • 2010: Nest 17

    Well, Buzz has been walking for us for many happy years and here he is with him nest.

  • 2010: Nest 10

    NE wind blowing, hard packed sand, beautiful beaches and water, what more could you ask for, well Nest #19 found by Bobby Stuart in Water Sound.  Hurrah

  • 2010: Nest 20

    Was found this morning by Johndra and marked by Sondra and Dawn, just east of the Retreat.  As you can see poor Mom turtle came up through a tent, bumped into a pole where she nested to low and west out just missing another tent.  Why oh why can’t people put up their stuff at…

  • 2010: Nest 18

    Even with the rain the ruts are awful.  She came up to the left of the picture, body pitted and started to nest then tried to get to the top of the dune, almost made it, slid back down came almost to the water and nested, the eggs were just to the left of the…

  • 2010 Nests

    2010 WALTON COUNTY SEA TURTLE NESTS PERMIT #120 NEST #1            05810            MID WEST- BEACH HIGHLANDS                KEMP’S NEST #2            06-01-10            EAST  PELICAN CIRCLE                                    LOGGERHEAD NEST #3            06-02-10            MID EAST- EAST OF SUGAR DNS            LOGGERHEAD NEST #4            06-02-10            MID WEST WEST END OF RETREAT            LOGGERHEAD NEST #5            06-03-10            MID EAST SEA GROVE VILLAS                       …

  • 2009: False Crawl 20

    Was found Sunday morning  8/09/09 by Cathy Felty, near nest 5 at Paradise by the Sea.  Those girls keep on coming!

  • 2009: Nest 37

    Found by Bill Higgins.  This is his first one this year….yeah!  Just west of Mistral.  Loggerhead found 8/08/09  All of nests this year are Loggerheads. UPDATE!! As nest #37 hatched something got into it, Val has seen a red fox in the area.  Anyone tell what this is by the prints?  There were 93 eggs…

  • 2009: Nest 36

    Charlie found this nest while he was nest sitting between nest 4 and 5.  He went to check on nest 5,  came back to nest 4 and saw the crawl……at 1am. Notice the nice way he marked it so Al would see it on his walk. Notice the hole this girl had to navigate on…

  • 2009: Nest 35

    Nest #35 was found on Sunday 8/02/09 by John Andrews a loggerhead in Inlet Beach…Way to go John!

  • 2009: Nest 34

    Quite a day for Anthony and Sherry, first thing on the beach the morning, they come upon a Loggerhead just laying her eggs, OK Charlie beat that.  This was in the Stallworth Area and after they got down watching they walked on and found her false crawl from earlier.  Same turtle.  What an experience.  Anthony…