NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2012: Nest #16

Busy morning! Wayne found 2 nests and one false crawl…..Jennifer found a false crawl and 2 others at the other end, Joey and Dawn, each found nests!
4 nests in one morning! Photos here of nest 16. Both our nests were found in Alys Beach……you sure are missing a lot of action Al!
Kate takes new data on nest 16. Nest was moved due to being so low to the water edge.

Nest #16 was a late hatcher at 74 days,
Even tho the tracks say Loggerhead, the hatchlings say Green with the white bellies and white fringe around.
82 alive in nest
1 non hatched egg
83 eggs
99% success.