NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2012: Nest #37

This shows the beginnings of nest 37. We were called out to a turtle in distress in Rosemary Beach on Saturday night.
After observing the turtle in the water, we noticed it couldn’t dive down. It was above water for a long time.
We got a kayak, and Wayne, Tobias and I headed out to get a better assessment of the situation.
Yep! There THEY were. Trying for a little privacy in the audience of many kayakers and a paddleboarder.
And the results of the encounter was found by Wayne the next morning in Rosemary Beach. Nest 37!
Never a dull moment on the SWTW.

Nest #37 hatched and was dug
25 escaped the nest
2 dead pipped
85 non developed eggs
112 total eggs
22% success