NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2012: Nest #72

Can you believe it, we had 7 nests this morning, we have never ever had 7 nests in one day, Gosh, Barb found this Loggerhead in front of SandDrift in the West end. Brenanna got to see her first tracks on the beach and help to find the eggs as the three of us dug for 1 hour and 15 minutes in the heat and we knew they were there, but could not find, finally I gave up and was filling back in on the south side wwhen Barb dug outside the flag, thrown sand area and there they were, could not believe it. What a treat so a Loggerhead nest was marked by us. 7-09-2012.
Each of the 4 Walton County non state parks sections had a nest today. Unbelievable. We are a bunch of tired happy sea turtle folks.
Also those of you who saw the newpaper article, yes, this year is a big Birthday for me, and it is Sept. 13. So lets party….We sure do deserve it.

Nest #72 has hatched and been dug
93 escaped from the nest
1 alive in nest and released
1 dead pipped egg
12 non hatched eggs
107 total eggs
88 % success