NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2013: Nest #34

Nest #34 was found 7-2-2013, only 4 feet from the water. It is a Loggerhead


66 escaped from nest
16 alive and released
4 live pipped eggs
6 no obvious
92 total eggs
93 % success
This nest was in the Miramar Beach area, near Hidden Dunes and Gulf Pines, when we arrived in the morning to do our walk and check the nest we found it had hatched but most of the hatchlings had gone toward the lights of hidden dunes and a few to the lights of a home. We all went looking for hatchlings and only found 9 and 3 badly injured hatchlings. Most were taken by either birds or ghost crabs. It is so sad to see what lights do.