NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

Year: 2013

  • 2013: Nest #9

    Nest 9 found by Valerie in Seacrest Beach. The loggerhead came within 4 feet of 2 vendor boxes, which were sitting side by side. UPDATE 8/21/2013 Nest #9 must have hatched and we did not know it, here is the results 16 escaped 6 dead pipped 95 no development 117 total eggs 14 % Ugh,…

  • 2013: Nest #8

    Johndra marks nest 8 that was found by Richard in the Blue Mountain Beach area. UPDATE 7/19/2013 This is our nest at Sandestin, This happens every time we have a nest there, They pull up stakes, walk through it, thrown things into it, and on and on. So far this is the second time we…

  • 2013: Nest #7

    Nest 7 found by Jennifer in Rosemary Beach. UPDATE!! 14 escaped from nest 89 we alive in nest and released 5 were hatched but dead in nest 6 were live piped eggs 114 total eggs 96% success

  • 2013: Nest #6

    Nest 6 found at the west end of the county. Another Loggerhead nest. UPDATE!! Nest 6 We could not find the eggs in nest #6 so we will have to call this one a false crawl

  • 2013: Nest #5

    Beautiful nest 5 found in Seacrest near Alys Beach. Another Loggerhead nest. UPDATE!! dug at day 76, with all this rain it was a mess, we know the eggs were there but we could not find them. The area had water all the way up to top of nest from bottom. So no eggs found.

  • 2013: Nest #4

    It’s a Loggerhead nest and was found near The Retreat. UPDATE! hatched but because of the rain we do not know when it has been evaluated 66 egg shell 3 infertile eggs Total 69 Eggs 95 % hatchling success

  • 2013: Nest #3

    Nest number 3 was found in the Stallworth Lake area. UPDATE: Nest #3 39 escaped from nest 5 alive and released 1 dead pipped 60 infertile we have no idea why so many were not developed.

  • 2013: Nest #2

    Nest number 2 was also found in the Seagrove Beach area. UPDATE!! Nest #2 dog and raccoon got into this nest, when we dug it we found 50 empty eggs and we do not know if the animals got them all or what. we found 17 undeveloped eggs 6 we know for sure were eaten…

  • 2013: Nest #1

    On 5/20/13 we had our first nest in the Seagrove Beach area. UPDATE: Results from New #1 are 31 escaped from nest 9 alive in nest and released 2 dead pipped eggs 3 live pipped eggs 120 dead embryos I think the dead embryos were from the heavy rains and cool cloudy weather on July…
