NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2014: Nest #27

Nest #27 a loggerhead was found today by Sharon in Miramar on the eastern side of Edgewater in front of the tall condo’s there. I saw the crawl and thought it was a false crawl because it looked as if it went up and made the turn and back into the water, I was taking pictures when I noticed off to the right side more tracks and fluffy thrown sand. I could not believe it, It appears she came up nested started out of the nest area then jumped into the air to make a very sharp turn and back out into the same tracks she came in out So a U shape was formed. I have seen a lot of nest but this one was very strange. But we did find eggs. Hurrah. Another busy morning. Help from Bev, Tom and Erica…..We also had false crawl #22 that was found by Robert.




Nest #27
escaped from nest 83
alive in nest 22
dead pipped 2
live pipped 3
no development 14
dead embryos 1
total eggs 125
survival % 86%
this nest the eggs were moved because the eggs were in water so 86% is great.