NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

2014: Nest #23

Nest #23 a loggerhead is in old Grayton Beach in front of Auburn St.
SWTWG loves these wonderful learning mornings, we were all done with our morning walks when we got a phone call from the Walton County sheriff that there was a crawl in an area usually covered by the Grayton Beach state Park Rangers for us. We would not where this was by some help from our volunteers and Bobby and Anne Stuart drove over to see what was going on, use enough a great Loggerhead nest, our nest #23. What a treat it is that so many different people worked together on this one to put it all together to a great end. The Rangers were late because of things going on in the park, but would have gotten it, but we got it and Bobby and Ann got to see a new area. Thanks go out to the sheriff’s dept. that is always so helpful. Edmond for all his info and having a friend go check for us. Bobby and Ann who once again came through for us. It is nice to have such caring sea turtle people who are only interested in sea turtles.

Nest 23
escaped from nest 97
dead in nest 1
no development 15
total eggs 113
survival % 87%