NEVER PUSH OR ATTEMPT TO ASSIST STRANDED ANIMALS BACK TO THE WATER! More harm can be done and it is illegal without proper permits. 

Nest # 32 Sea Crest

was called in at 9:30 of a nesting sea turtle on the beach, Val lives near so she got to witness the nesting and also the lighting disorientation of the turtle trying to go back into the water. Please keep you beach lighting off in sea turtle season
was called in at 9:30 of a nesting sea turtle on the beach, Val lives near so she got to witness the nesting and also the lighting disorientation of the turtle trying to go back into the water. Please keep you beach lighting off in sea turtle season

Nest #32 has hatched and been evaluated

83 hatched and escaped
1 dead in pipped egg
6 no obvious development
90 total eggs
92 % hatch success